Monday, July 28, 2014

Stop Q Replication in a Right Way

Everyone must understand the importance of proper way to stop Q replication.
I bet you that your setup will not work properly if you don't do that right way, after many tests personally i prefer the below way to my stop my replication safely.


A) stop the capture and apply programs that are running

asnqccmd capture_server=TESTA capture_schema=ASNUA
asnqacmd apply_server=TESTB apply_schema=ASNUB

B) stop the listener and channels

We need to login into queue manager to stop the listener and channels

db2inst1@sairam:~/setup$ runmqsc QMUA
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2011.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Starting MQSC for queue manager QMUA.
stop listener(REPL_LSTR)
     1 : stop listener(REPL_LSTR)
AMQ8706: Request to stop WebSphere MQ Listener accepted.
stop channel(QMUA_TO_QMUB)
     2 : stop channel(QMUA_TO_QMUB)
AMQ8019: Stop WebSphere MQ channel accepted.
stop channel(QMUB_TO_QMUA)
     3 : stop channel(QMUB_TO_QMUA)
AMQ8019: Stop WebSphere MQ channel accepted.
     4 : end
4 MQSC commands read.
No commands have a syntax error.
All valid MQSC commands were processed.

db2inst1@sairam:~/setup$ runmqsc QMUB
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2011.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Starting MQSC for queue manager QMUB.
stop listener(REPL_LSTR)
     1 : stop listener(REPL_LSTR)
AMQ8706: Request to stop WebSphere MQ Listener accepted.
stop channel(QMUA_TO_QMUB)
     2 : stop channel(QMUA_TO_QMUB)
AMQ9533: Channel 'QMUA_TO_QMUB' is not currently active.
stop channel(QMUB_TO_QMUA)
     3 : stop channel(QMUB_TO_QMUA)
AMQ8019: Stop WebSphere MQ channel accepted.
     4 : end
4 MQSC commands read.
No commands have a syntax error.
All valid MQSC commands were processed.

C) stop the queue managers

db2inst1@sairam:~/setup$ endmqm QMUA
Quiesce request accepted. The queue manager will stop when all outstanding work
is complete.
db2inst1@sairam:~/setup$ endmqm QMUB
Quiesce request accepted. The queue manager will stop when all outstanding work
is complete.

Thinking complicated ? I do this every time and everyday but i prepared a shell script to do all these. Same way i have a script to start the replication...  feeling easy :)

########## START ###############
#input file(inputs) for the stop script(stop_qm)
stop listener(REPL_LSTR)
stop channel(QMUA_TO_QMUB)
stop channel(QMUB_TO_QMUA)
######### END #################

########## START #############################
#Put below lines a script and execute it from normal command line as a shell script
#to stop capture and apply programs
asnqccmd capture_server=TESTA capture_schema=ASNUA
asnqacmd apply_server=TESTB apply_schema=ASNUB
#allow capture and apply programs to go down properly and execute next command i will SLEEP FOR 10 secs
sleep 10
#to stop listener and channels use a input file(inputs) to the queue manager
runmqsc QMUA < $1
runmqsc QMUB < $1
#stop queue managers
endmqm QMUA
endmqm QMUB
########## END ###############################

Now let us execute the script

sh stop_qm inputs

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