Friday, May 9, 2014

8 steps to setup DB2 HADR solution

High Availability disaster Recovery solution HADR in DB2 is one of robust ways of maintaining two db2 databases in SYNC for high availability solutions.

We can use primary database for read,write operations and standby database for read operations or completely for disaster solution in case if primary fails.
Setting up HADR in DB2 is one of the easiest one that i ever worked, it took me only half hour to setup and test the solution.

Basic step are like these.
create a database on one machine/instance
set HADR DB parameters on primary database
backup database on primary
restore the image in standby machine/instance
set HADR DB parameters on standby database
start hadr on standby first then on primary database
Validate the HADR setup

Here is how my setup look like

1) db2 create database samsung

2) db2 update db cfg for samsung using logarchmeth1 DISK:/home/db2inst1/logs

3) Setting up HADR cfg parameters on primary database

update db cfg for samsung using HADR_LOCAL_HOST sairam
update db cfg for samsung using HADR_LOCAL_SVC 64000
update db cfg for samsung using HADR_REMOTE_HOST sairam
update db cfg for samsung using HADR_REMOTE_SVC 65000
update db cfg for samsung using HADR_REMOTE_INST db2inst2
update db cfg for samsung using LOGINDEXBUILD ON

4) Take an offline backup to be used for setting HADR, move the backup image (from the primary machine/instance) to the standby machine/instance

5) restore the database on standby instance

db2 restore db samsung taken at 20140509113342 on /home/db2inst2/ into apple

6) Setting up HADR cfg parameters on standby database

update db cfg for apple using HADR_LOCAL_HOST sairam
update db cfg for apple using HADR_LOCAL_SVC 65000
update db cfg for apple using HADR_REMOTE_HOST sairam
update db cfg for apple using HADR_REMOTE_SVC 64000
update db cfg for apple using HADR_REMOTE_INST db2inst1

7) Starting up HADR on the standby server

db2 start hadr on database apple as standby

8) Starting up HADR on the primary server

db2 start hadr on database samsung as primary

Finally validating the HADR setup is important.

create a table and populate some 5 rows at primary site, switch the between the roles and check if the table available in standby database.


  1. Thanks a lot for your post.
    I struggled to start hadr on the primary till you saw your post and understood that local_svc and remote_svc need to be switched between the primary and standby.
